Lavander field Color Palette 3

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Lavander field Color Palette #3 - color palette, color palettes, colour palettes, color scheme, color inspiration, color combination, art tutorial, collage, digital art, canvas painting, wall art, home painting, photography, weddings by color, inspiration, vintage, wallpaper, background, rustic, seasonal, season, natural, nature

© by Ruben Jimenez @ Pinterest //

These colors create a warm and inviting atmosphere, just like sitting around a cozy campfire on a cool autumn night.

The first color, #FAAE8B, is a soft and soothing shade of orange. It reminds me of freshly picked peaches or the warm glow of a sunrise. It brings a sense of comfort and happiness to any design.

Next, we have #751132, a deep and rich burgundy shade. It’s bold and mysterious, like a glass of red wine or the petals of a velvety rose. This color adds depth and elegance to your palette.

Moving on to #943A49, a vibrant and passionate shade of red. It’s like the color of ripe cherries or a heart bursting with love. It instantly grabs attention and adds a touch of excitement to any design.

Then we have #310B12, a dark and intense shade of maroon. It’s reminiscent of a midnight sky or a velvety piece of chocolate. This color brings a sense of sophistication and depth to your palette.

Lastly, we have #E4795B, a warm and inviting shade of coral. It’s like a sunset on a tropical beach or a juicy slice of watermelon. This color adds a pop of energy and playfulness to your design.

Overall, this color palette combines warm and earthy tones with bold and vibrant accents. It’s a perfect balance between comfort and excitement, making it suitable for various designs, from websites and logos to interior decor.


If you’re inspired to create something with this color palette, I’d love to know about it! Leave me a comment below, tag me on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter / Pinterest / TikTok or send me a message via the contact formI’m always excited to see what my readers are up to!

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